Be Healthy. Be Happy. Be Vital.
Be Nourished.

About B Love

B Love is a nutritionist, chef, health educator, Yoga instructor, and lecturer.

Her devotion to the study of nutrition and health began in her early twenties. She suffered with chronic hormonal imbalance, digestive issues, food sensitivities, cardiac arrhythmia and more. For years, she sought help within the pharmacology-dominated “health” care industry. Prescription drugs created more problems and brought no relief. B was recommended electrical-ablation therapy for her heart issues at twenty-two years of age, with advice that she might also require an artificial pacemaker for the rest of her life. Disillusioned with the sick care and dis-ease management system’s failed drug therapies, she embarked on a journey to heal herself. Applying knowledge which she gained in the study of nutrition and other integrated healing modalities, she healed herself of her ailments. The study and practice of nutrition and natural health became her life’s work.

 Since then B has continuously studied and researched health and nutrition, helping others make the journey from dis-ease to health. Her work included creating a conscious eatery and nutrition school where many people gained the knowledge and skills needed to optimize their health. Currently, B Love continues her research, teaches, lectures, and provides consultations.